
JALUPRO is a sterile reabsorbable injectablesolution which acts as a dermal biorevitaliser which is used for improving skin texture, brightening the skin and minimising evidence of fine lines & wrinkles.

It is considered effective and safe. It is a unique, fast-acting solution that contains rich ingredients that support the radiance & rejuvenation of the skin. The solution has the powerful ability to plump& hydrate the skin.

From filling in deep wrinkles to erasing unwanted stretch marks, this is a multifunctional treatment that also works to enhance other cosmetic treatments, such as dermabrasion and laser therapy.
Jalupro is ideal for clients that want a softer look or those that are not ready for dermal fillers.

However, Jalupro can be combined with fillers and/or Botox to enhance the result.

How does it work ?

Using a formulated blend of amino acids that work by feeding the connective tissues beneath the skin, this product helps to generate collagen and nourish the skin. The connective tissues, known as fibroblasts, lose their reparative abilities as the skin ages. As a result, wrinkles and skin imperfections, such as stretch marks, appear and increase over time. The nutrient-rich amino acids present in this unique product support the function of deteriorating fibroblasts.

JALUPRO can quickly restore the skin’s connective tissue to provide you with a healthy and smooth-looking complexion.                              

Which Jalupro is best for me ?

Classic is more suited to the younger person who is exhibiting the first signs of skin ageing or to prevent them.

HMW contains more hyaluronic acid which is suitable for the older person and provides scaffolding for more aged skin,helps with deeper lines requiring more moisture and for deeper scars.

Jalupro Super Hydro,the latest skin booster from Jalupro is the most powerful skin bio-revitalisation product on the market.
Super Hydro is AA cluster enhanced peptides HA LMW + HMW for ligament bio-restoration

and to treat severe dehydration and tired skin.
The new formulation is giving an extra boost for skin extra cellular matrix bio-revitalisation thanks to the action of peptides and blend of low and high molecular weight for lasting hydration and fibroblasts stimulation.
The specially designed formulation of amino acids, peptides & high concentration HA is ideal for optimal skin health and structure.
Jalupro Super Hydro can be used to treat a number of areas including face, neck, décolleté,

underarms, hands, inner thighs and abdomen.

It can be used in conjunction with a number of other treatments to minimise the signs of ageing

such as dermal filler and dermabrasion       

How many treatments will I require?

Jalupro Classic generally requires 3 treatments spaced 10 days apart.

Jalupro HMW generally requires 2 treatments spaced 20 days apart

Jalupro Super Hydro requires weekly treatments 4 – 6 treatments depending on the your skin

How long will the treatment take?

JALUPRO treatments can be completed within 30-45 minutes depending on the area of focus and whether a

topical numbing cream is applied prior to the injection.
Once the product is administered into the dermis, you will notice some instant results, including

increased hydration and skin volume, and reduced signs of aging.                                              

What can Jalupro be used for?

This aesthetic injectable can be used to improve a number of skin problems, including the appearance of light to medium degree photo-ageing, fine lines and wrinkles, stretch marks, and acne scars.
JALUPRO can also be used in tandem with botulinum toxin injections, dermal peels, laser therapy and many more to extend the positive results of such treatments to achieve a more youthful complexion.
Jalupro HMW is more suited to the older person, 45ys+ as it contains more hylaronic acid to give a little more volume to areas in particular, décolleté, neck, hands, deep furrows, depressions and scars. It also hydrates the skin of the face to give as 
moother more even complexion.                                

The areas that can be treated are face, neck, décolleté, underarms, hands, inner thighs, abdomen & inner knees.                                 

How long do the results last ?

Results can last up to six months, however a monthly treatment for anti-aging can offer effects that last beyond the typical time frame.

Only available in certain Clinics, please contact us for further details

From £240