Fat Cavitation

Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation is a non-surgical treatment used to contour the body in both men and women. The procedure uses the latest medical grade technology to target unwanted layers of stored body fat and converts it into liquid form, which can be used and naturally eliminated from the body. The result is immediate centimetre loss after the first treatment.

A safe and pain-free way of removing excess fat, Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation is highly effective in reducing fat in stubborn areas such as:

  • Hips
  • Thighs
  • Stomach
  • Lovehandles
  • Buttocks

Benefits of Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation:

It helps get rid of stubborn fat
Helps to reshape and contour the body
Immediate results after first treatment

Why Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation:

  • Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation is versatile and can be used on most parts of the body where you might have stubborn pockets of fat. The most common treatment areas include the stomach, thighs, and buttocks.
  • It is a painless procedure, and consequently clients should not feel any discomfort while undergoing the treatment. Most clients report feeling a gentle vibration in the treated area.
  • It is safe and gentle treatment. Unlike other surgical fat removal procedures, Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation does is non-invasive and has no downtime.
  • Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation is a relatively easy and fast procedure. Each session takes just 30-60 minutes. All patients have to do to prepare for the treatment is to drink plenty of water.
  • Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation uses low-level ultrasonic waves to break down the fat cells into liquid form that are then eliminated from the body naturally, making the procedure safe and natural.
  • It gives immediate effective results. You can see visible improvement if you compare your images before and after receiving ultrasonic fat cavitation treatment.

Do you find that irrespective of how well your diet is, or how much you exercise, you still retain stubborn pockets of fat on your body?

Fat Cavitation may well be the treatment for you.

From £120