Bio Filler

Benefits of Plasma Bio Filler

Bio-filler with Plasma Gel is known as an “autologous aesthetic procedure”

They are a substitute for Hyaluronic Acid fillers

Add volume to the face and smooth out deep creases and wrinkles

Plump thin lips

Reduce fine lines around the neck

Improve the appearance of recessed scars

Fill cheeks to enhance youthfulness

A crucial benefit of this treatment is that it also stimulates the stem cells and growth factors that produce collagen – the body’s natural protein for keeping skin taut, fresh and youthful.
That means your skin will be naturally reproducing itself for months after the injections.
*What are the difference between dermal fillers and bio fillers ?*
Dermal filler works to boost hyaluronic acid to plump and enhance and can last for 9 – 12 months
Biofiller boosts collagen to improve your skin’s longer-term texture, tone and overall health and Results last from 18 to 24 months

Only available in certain Clinics, please contact us for further details

From £75